Gregory Tubby

Gregory Tubby

The Man for the Job

Never one to shy away from a challenge, I am a well motivated employee who is capable of working independently but equally enjoys bringing creativity and innovation to team projects. I have been described as a pragmatic individual whom others can rely upon to ‘get the job done’. I am friendly, approachable and conscientious in addition to being committed to helping others to achieve their goals.

Skills, Interests and activities

I derive immense satisfaction from playing Tuba and Bass guitar in several bands both in and out of university. Although I’ve played Bass and Tuba for 11 years, recently I’ve committed to teaching myself how to play the guitar. I write orchestral music in my spare time using the Sibelius musical notation software; I find it both relaxing and intellectually stimulating. I am passionate about computers, and regularly build and modify PCs. I am currently teaching myself Javascript and C# in addition to the Python I already learnt in school. I am particularly skilled at cable management and continue to improve upon my case modification skills. I enjoy DIY and have a good working knowledge of how to use a wide range of hand and power tools.